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Oxlip Learning Partnership

Oxlip Learning Partnership

Admissions Consultation

Consultation for Admissions Policy 2026-27: Bacton Primary, Cedars Park Primary, Mendlesham Primary Schools and Stowupland High School

The Oxlip Learning Partnership is an admission authority, and it is a requirement for the Trust to consult on any amendments to the admission arrangements for our schools and, if there are no amendments, at least once every seven years. 

Due to Bacton, Cedars Park, Mendlesham Primary Schools and Stowupland High School joining Oxlip Learning Partnership, we are proposing an amendment to the existing policy to refine the oversubscription criteria.  This is because the current policy states that priority will be given to a child with a sibling “in the Academy Trust” which, now that we are part of a larger Trust, would include our partner schools in Ipswich.  The proposed amendment narrows this priority down to the localised area of our Mid-Suffolk schools.

Consultation relating to the Admissions Policy for 2026-27 for the Mid-Suffolk based schools within the Oxlip Learning Partnership, will commence on Friday 18th October 2024 and will conclude at midnight on Friday 6th December 2024.  The schools covered by this consultation are:

  • Bacton Primary School
  • Cedars Park Primary School
  • Mendlesham Primary School
  • Stowupland High School

Mulberry Centres
Admission to the Mulberry Centres (at Stowupland and Mendlesham) operates through places commissioned by Suffolk County Council.  The Centres are not, therefore, included in this consultation.

The Consultation Process
We would welcome your views on the proposed admission arrangements.  The proposed Admission Policy for 2026-27 can be found here: Admissions Policy 2026-27

Notification of the consultation is being communicated by the Trust to the following:

  • The Local Authority - Suffolk County Council
  • All parents and carers of pupils and students of the Trust
  • Other persons who, in the Trust’s opinion, have an interest in the proposed admission policies.

Parents/carers are welcome to respond by emailing comments relating to the proposed admissions arrangements as set out above to: or, if you have any questions, please contact the headteacher at your school or Oxlip Mid-Suffolk Office on 01449 742422.

At the end of the consultation process, all responses will be collated and presented to the Trust Board for full consideration.  The Admissions Policy for 2026-27 must be approved and published by 28th February 2025.



The Oxlip Learning Partnership is currently determining the proposed admission arrangements for admissions to Copleston High School in September 2026.

As determined by the School Admissions Code, we are required to consult on these arrangements, and are inviting comments.

A copy of the proposed Admissions Policy and Supplementary Information Form are attached.

Alternatively, if you require a hard copy of these documents, please contact the school directly.

If you wish to comment on the proposed admissions arrangements, please send your response in writing either by post or email to

Comments should be received by no later than 6.12.24 allowing a minimum of 6 weeks excluding school holidays.